
iPhone App Makes Facebook Friends More Like Google+ Circles

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
iPhone App, Facebook, Google+ Circles,
A new iPhone app will organize your Facebook friends into groups for easier sharing with select people. Created by startup Katango, the app of the same name is an easy way to make Facebook friends work more like Google Circles, the friend-organizing tool built into the search giant's new social network, Google+.

Facebook has offered friend lists and groups for a while, of course, but few users actually create them. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg said at an event last week that only five percent of Facebook users organized their friends into subsets or create specific groups. Google+, on the other hand, holds its Google Circles feature—which lets you wall off specific friends in your network from others—as its primary differentiator from Facebook.

In either case, it's up to the user to make and create the various lists, an exercise in bookkeeping that may be the reason why so few Facebook users actually use the feature. Katango aims to take away the heavy lifting of going through contacts one by one to create groups, freeing up Facebook users to just sit back and share.

"It's not at all inspired by Google+," says Katango co-founder Yoav Shoham. "It was started a year ago. I have now maybe 350 friends on Facebook, and if I want to share a piece of news about Katango or a baby picture, neither one of those is appropriate to send to everybody. If I want to focus on particular people, I have no way of doing it—at least not an easy way."


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